瑞雨经典型 160 花洒组合,4种喷洒模式


GROHE Rainshower Classic 160 shower set – the ideal set for the modern bathroom

The Rainshower Classic 160 shower set is, with its soft curves, the ideal shower set for your modern bathroom. The set comes complete with a 900 mm shower rail and sturdy metal wall mounts, a hand shower and a 1750 mm long shower hose. The shower head is equipped with the handy Twist-Free application, which prevents the shower hose from getting tangled up. The set is a luxurious edition with up to four spray patterns to choose from ~ the Rain spray, and the Jet-, the Massage and the Pure Spray. However you feel on that specific day, you'll find your favourite spray in this shower. From relaxing to stimulating. The set is made of shiny GROHE StarLight, the scratch-resistant coating and also features Inner WaterGuide, which keeps the hand shower cool enough to hold in your hands and ensures a longer life.

Product main features

  • 包含:
  • 古典型手持花洒 (28 765 000)
  • 花洒杆,900毫米 (28 819 001)
  • 带嵌墙式托架
  • 银色花洒软管1750毫米(28 388)
  • 高仪持久镀铬饰面 
  • 高仪快可适 Plus 可调支架距离用于转接到现有钻孔中
  • 内部水流导管,使用寿命更长
  • 不打结设计,防止软管缠绕打结
邮编 生产描述 订货号
1 Cover cap 45922000
2 滑块 06765000
3 花洒杆托架 48333000
4 滤网 0700200M
5 平衡板 45914XE0*