瑞雨经典型 160 四式手持花洒

GROHE Rainshower Classic 160 – the classic among the hand showers with 4 spray types
The Rainshower Classic is a classic. It's a very special luxurious hand shower with four spray types ~ the small raindrops of the Rain spray give you the feeling of a warm summer rain and the Jet spray gives a strong spray stimulating your skin to perfection. The Pure spray gives a wide and full water spray on the skin, for a great shower experience which also improves blood circulation. Or experience the soft Champagne spray, which is filled with millions of tiny air bubbles for a gentle spritz. Whichever you choose, GROHE DreamSpray perfectly distributes the water to all spray nozzles. And SpeedClean makes sure that limescale doesn't stand a chance. Finished with shiny GROHE StarLight chrome, this shower is very easy to keep clean and scratch-free.
Product main features
- 雨淋式、激射式、纯净式、香槟式
- 高仪持久镀铬饰面
- 快速清洁技术,防止水垢
- 内部水流导管,使用寿命更长
- 通用装配系统,适用于所有标准花洒软管
- 适用即时热水器
- 最低流量为7.5升/分钟