欧瑞斯玛都市型 双把手浴缸龙头 1/2
The GROHE Eurosmart Cosmopolitan two-handle filler – extraordinary design meets superior longvity
Style and performance! To enhance your bathroom look simply add the chic and beautifully engineered GROHE Eurosmart Cosmopolitan bath filer for pillar installation. It is operated by two solid metal handles so you can trust it to work perfectly for years and it its finished in our dazzling GROHE StarLight chrome. Scratch resistant and easy to clean, it ensures the tap will look pristine for years to come! GROHE Eurosmart Cosmopolitan – design and functionality for all budgets!
- 柱式安装
- 金属把手
- 耐久阀芯
- 高仪星闪镀铬饰面
- 最低建议水压为0.2巴
邮编 | 生产描述 | 订货号 |
1 |
欧瑞斯玛都市型把手(热) |
48079000 |
1.1 | 紧固工具 | 45186000 |
1.1.1 | O型圈 Ø 18.2 x Ø 1.7 | 0392400M |
2 |
欧瑞斯玛都市型把手(冷) |
48080000 |
2.1 | 紧固工具 | 45186000 |
3 | 阀芯 | 45887000 |
4 | 阀芯 | 45888000 |
5 | 流量限制器 | 46164000 |
6 | Repl. kit for shank fastening | 45163000 |