保颂都市型系统 190 恒温淋浴系统

This product will be discontinued soon

Pamper yourself with 4 spray options – the Power&Soul Cosmopolitan 190 shower system

If for you a shower is all about pampering and spending some time on your wellbeing then the GROHE Power&Soul Cosmopolitan 190 shower system with thermostat offers all the luxury and variety you need. The one-click spray selector lets you choose and combine the 4 different spray patterns for total flexibility: there’s a gentle Rain Spray, air-infused Rain O², a powerful Jet spray and the pulsing Bokoma Spray. Thanks to GROHE DreamSpray technology you can be certain of an even flow from every nozzle, while the GROHE TurboStat thermostat ensures a constant temperature throughout. Families will love two great safety features – the GROHE SafeStop button which can limit the temperature to 38°C to prevent scalding and GROHE CoolTouch technology which means the tap never gets too hot to touch. Plus the dazzling GROHE Starlight stainless steel finish is scratch-resistant for a sparkling surface that last for years.

Product main features

  • 包含:
  • 花洒臂450毫米,可水平转动
  • 明装恒温器带分水功能
  • 可选:
  • 保颂都市型头顶花洒 (27 764 000)
  • 带球形接头
  • 花洒可调节角度 ± 20°
  • 保颂都市型115手持花洒(27 660 000)
  • 使用滑动元件高度可调节(12 140 000)
  • 银色花洒软管1750毫米(28 388)
  • 最低流量:7升/分钟
  • 恒温热敏阀芯,能瞬间达到设定的淋浴温度并保持水温恒定
  • 高仪一键淋浴喷洒模式选择
  • 高仪幻洒技术
  • 高仪持久镀铬饰面 
  •  高仪冷触,无烫伤风险
  • 快速清洁技术,防止水垢 
  • 适用即时热水器
邮编 生产描述 订货号
1 综合分水器把手 47804000
2 止回阀 47723000
3 综合开关分水器 47364000
4 流量限制器 47887000
5 把手 47803000
6 碗盆龙头
7 恒温阀芯,1/2"US
8 防回流阀 47189000
8.1 滤网 0726400M
8.2 防回流阀 08565000
8.3 O型圈 ø 17 x ø 2 0305500M
9 S弯 12693000
10 防回流阀 08565000
11 滑块 12140000
12 滤网 0700200M
13 连接垫圈 0138900M
14 滤网 0676800M
15 平衡板 27180000*
16 套筒扳手 19332000*
17 Thermostatic compact cartridge 1/2" 47175000*
18 调温把手 47811000*
19 Special spanner 19377000*
20 淋浴杆 48053000*
21 淋浴杆 48054000*