高特朗 1000 恒温淋浴龙头

This product will be discontinued soon

GROHE Grohtherm 1000 – water-saving shower thermostat with precise temperature control

Luxurious and safe – the ultimate shower! With the water-saving GROHE Grohtherm 1000 you can look forward to instant and constant hot water with no sudden bursts of cold water if the pressure suddenly changes. Reliable and super comfortable for you to use, this shower thermostat also comes with a GROHE SafeStop feature set at 38°C which prevents children from turning up the temperature too high. With integrated GROHE EcoJoy technology it has a water-saving button that reduces water consumption by up to 50% – a great and easy way for you to save a precious natural resource as well as money! This stylish wall-mounted thermostat, which complements a wide range of bathroom designs, is also easy to connect to your existing water supply.

  • 墙面安装
  • 恒温热敏阀芯,能瞬间达到设定的淋浴温度并保持水温恒定
  • 内置停止阀
  • 陶瓷阀芯1/2", 180°
  • 流量把手带经济钮
  • 38摄氏度安全锁定钮,以防止儿童误将水温调高而烫伤
  • 带下出水
  • 内置防回流阀
  • 滤网
  • S弯
  • 止逆阀
  • 高仪乐可节技术减少耗水量
  • 高仪持久镀铬饰面 
邮编 生产描述 订货号
1 调温把手 47737000
1.1 Cover cap 1009900M
2 碗盆龙头
3 恒温阀芯,1/2"US
4 Handle for shut-off valve with economy device 47736000
4.1 Cover cap 1009900M
5 陶瓷阀芯 45346000
6 防回流阀 47189000
6.1 滤网 0726400M
6.2 防回流阀 08565000
6.3 O型圈 ø 17 x ø 2 0305500M
7 S弯 12075000
7.1 紧固件 0138600M
7.2 法兰盘 0221000M
8 延长配件 3/4 0713000M*
9 套筒扳手 19332000*
10 调温把手 47739000*
11 Thermostatic compact cartridge 1/2" 47175000*